Friday, November 27, 2015

Mushrooms: Growing mushrooms: Growing mushrooms of Button Agaricus: Growing mushrooms of Straw Volvariella: Growing mushrooms of Oyster Pleurotus: Growing mushrooms of Shitake Oak kind

It is the page of the Mushrooms: Growing mushrooms: Growing mushrooms of Button Agaricus: Growing mushrooms of Straw Volvariella: Growing mushrooms of Oyster Pleurotus: Growing mushrooms of Shitake Oak kinds. You are welcome in the page of the "Mushrooms: Growing mushrooms: Growing mushrooms of Button Agaricus: Growing mushrooms of Straw Volvariella: Growing mushrooms of Oyster Pleurotus: Growing mushrooms of Shitake Oak" kinds.

Growing vegetables also include growing mushrooms. Growing mushrooms is growing and opening hidden treasures. If anyone is hopeless because of job harassment, he or she can start growing mushrooms.

Hello Visitors! of Growing Mushroom, Greetings!

Mushroom is one of the most popular foods in the Western world. The USA, France, England, and the Netherlands are some of the largest mushroom producers in the world. Growing mushrooms is in growing trend in the world. Each year there are new comers to start growing mushrooms. You need to require some training to start growing mushrooms. I have tried to include some guidelines and information which are very useful to the interested new comers of gardeners who are going to start growing mushrooms very soon. Please read the page carefully.

Growing mushrooms of button or field (Agaricus species) kind

Growing mushrooms of button or field requires 30 degree Celsius for the growth of the mycelium and requires 25 degree Celsius for fruiting (cap formation). Growing mushrooms of button or field does not require light. The suitable substrate sources for growing mushrooms of button or field kind are spent brewers grains, corn cobs, hay, rice straw, fertilizer, calcium carbonate, horse manure, brewers grains, gypsum. Among the cultivated mushrooms, Agaricus bisporus is the most important. The genus of the mushrooms: Agaricus includes edible as well as mildly poisonous mushrooms. Agaricus is considered as temperate mushroom strain.

Growing mushrooms of straw (Volvariella species) kind

Growing mushrooms of straw requires 20 to 25 degree Celsius for the growth of the mycelium and requires 28 to 32 degree Celsius for fruiting (cap formation). Others reported that growing mushrooms of Volvariella kind is also successful in the temperature of 20 to 35 degree Celsius. Growing mushrooms of straw does not require light.
The suitable substrate sources for growing mushrooms of straw kind are used-tea leaves, cotton waste, rice straw, coffee hulls, coir dust, saw dust, mixed with corn meal. The substrate sources can be used separately or mixed to make the compost. Volvariella mushrooms are also known as straw mushrooms, or paddy straw mushroom, or Chinese mushroom.
The Volvariella mushrooms are edible mushrooms in tropical and subtropical region. The Volvariella mushroom is also called as a warm mushroom since growing mushroom of Volvariella kind is also possible at relatively higher temperature. The Volvariella mushroom is fast growing. Growing mushrooms of Volvariella kind requires about ten days from the time of spawning to fruit harvesting. In India, Volvariella volvaceae, Volvariella diplasa , Volvariella esculenta are the commonly grown species in the genus of Volvariella. Volvariella is considered as tropical mushroom strain.

Growing mushrooms of oyster kind

Growing mushrooms of oyster requires 25 to 32 degree Celsius for the growth of the mycelium and requires 25 degree Celsius for fruiting (cap formation). Growing mushrooms of oyster requires light. The suitable substrate sources for growing mushrooms of oyster kind are cotton waste, rice straw, coir dust, sawdust mixed with corn meal. The genus of oyster mushrooms is Pleurotus.
There are several species of genus of Pleurotus that they have the ability to grow in natural lignino-cellulosic wastes. Growing mushrooms of oyster kind of the genus Pleurotus can be done in a wide range of temperature. The temperature range is 15 to 31 degree Celsius for growing mushrooms of oyster kind.

Growing mushrooms of oak or shiitake kind

Growing mushrooms of oak or shiitake kind requires 22 to 27 degree Celsius for the growth of the mycelium and requires 15 to 20 degree Celsius for fruiting (cap formation). Growing mushrooms of oak or shiitake kind requires light for maturation only. The suitable substrate sources for growing mushrooms of oak or shiitake kind are logs of Leucaena species or other trees, sawdust. They are compacted into polypropylene bags.
Thank you very much for the visit at the page of the Mushrooms: Growing mushrooms: Growing mushrooms of Button Agaricus kind: Growing mushrooms of Straw Volvariella: Growing mushrooms of Oyster Pleurotus: Growing mushrooms of Shitake Oak kinds. I want you visit the site regularly.
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