Saturday, October 17, 2015

Discussion page of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa, Lactuca serriola, Lactuca viross and Lactuca saligna

You are welcome on the "Discussion page of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa, Lactuca serriola, Lactuca viross and Lactuca saligna). Here’s some information in the form of text about lettuce.

Lettuce is the most popular vegetable crop species. The lettuce is used as salads in the USA. In the USA, lettuce is produced throughout the year. But; in cold season, the lettuce is produced in green houses in the USA and the fresh lettuce is available throughout the year in the USA. The botanical names of the lettuce are Lactuca sativa, Lactuca serriola, Lactuca viross and Lactuca saligna. It is assumed that the botanical species of the lettuce originated in the Mediterranean region. It is dicotyledonous plant species.
Composition of Lettuce Lactuca species

The lettuce is rich in vitamin A. Thiamine, niacin and vitamin C are also present in the lettuce. But water is about 95% in the fresh green lettuce. Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus are also present in the lettuce.

Thank you very much for the visit on the page of the "Lettuce (Lactuca sativa, Lactuca serriola, Lactuca viross and Lactuca saligna)."

Lima bean Discussion

You are welcome on the page ‘Lima bean Discussion”. Here’s some information in the form of text about Lima bean.

The vegetable plant species of lima bean is called Phaseolus lunatus (L). The botanical names of the lima bean are also Phaseolus limensis (Macf.) and Phaseolus inamoenus (L.). The lima bean is the vegetable crops in the USA, South America, Africa and many parts of Asia. Large seeded lima beans are Phaseolus limensis and smaller baby lima beans are Phaseolus lunatus.

One hundred grams of the fresh lima bean pods contain about 67 gms water, 8.4 gms of proteins, 22 gms of carbohydrates. The fresh lima bean pods also contain vitamins such as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C. And calcium, phosphorus and iron are also present in the lima bean pods. The lima beans are considered a good source of plant protein with almost all amino acids except methionine.

French bean Discussion

You are welcome on the page of French bean Discussion page too. Here’s some information in the form of text about French bean.

French bean is also called common bean, kidney bean, navy bean, pinto bean, field bean, haricot bean, China bean, marrow bean, frijole, snap bean, or string bean, wax bean, black bean, or white bean.

The botanical name of French bean is Phaseolus vulgaris. The French bean is under the plant family of Leguminosae. Two types of French bean cultivars are known to date. They are:
1)    Dwarf, Bush type
2)    Pole or climbing type

There is another classification of the French bean which is shown below:

1) Snap beans for vegetable pods
2) Dry shell beans for grain legume purpose
3) Green shell beans which are used as green shelled state

French beans like other grain legume crops are popular for protein content. They also contain vitamins and minerals.

One hundred grams of the fresh green French bean as well as snap beans contain 5 to 8 grams of carbohydrates, 1-2 gms of proteins. The fresh green French bean and snap beans also contain vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid, vitamin E. The French bean pods also contain minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and selenium.

onion discussion

You are welcome on the page of the "onion Discussion page."  Here’s some information about Onion.

Onion is one of the oldest and the most popular vegetable crop species in the world. The botanical name of the onion is Allium cepa (L.). The onion is cultivated for bulb that forms in the soil. The plant family of the onion is Alliaceae. The onion is propagated through seeds and bulbs.

One hundred grams of the fresh onion bulbs contains about 85 grams of water, 11 grams carbohydrates, 1.2 gms proteins. Calcium,, phosphorus, iron, aluminum, copper, zinc, manganese are also present in the onion bulb. Besides; thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and vitamin C are also found in the fresh onion.

The flavor of the onion is because of the presence of sulfur containing bio-chemicals. More than 80 compounds are present in the onions and most of them are sulfur containing. The onion oil is also extracted from the onion bulb which is used to treat stomach ulcer, eye disorders, gastrointestinal disorder and high blood pressure. Onion juice extract is also extracted and served to the patients of cholera and diarrhea.

Thank you very much for the visit on the page of the "Onion Discussion page."